#68: What Nonprofits Can Learn From This AMAZING Speech

content creation marketing strategy podcast Jan 18, 2020

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On this very special day when we celebrate the great civil rights leader, the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., I wanted to talk about how much Dr. King’s work has to show us about how we communicate our mission and our vision as organizations that are looking to change the world and make it a better place.

As the cartoonist and blogger Hugh MacLeod once noted, selling on item on TV via advertising is marketing, but so is the “I Have a Dream” speech. And there might not be a better example of the power of persuasion in the service of a higher cause than Dr. King’s address during the March on Washington in 1963.

In today’s podcast, I offer some reflections on that speech and the lessons we can draw from the way Dr. King structured it and made it so powerful. There are elements of this speech that I think will inspire you as you create your own communications and inspire action to further your cause. 

If you’d like to see Dr. King deliver the whole speech, click here

To read the text, click here

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day to you all. 


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